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Writer's pictureCatherine Becker Good

A Boston Divorce Attorney's Words of Encouragement for Someone Going Through a Divorce

A woman smiles and thrives despite going through a divorce.

1. Remember that as scared as you are, your ex is scared too. Don't assume everything is great with him.

Divorce is a difficult process for all involved, whether it's a contested or an uncontested divorce. Your world as you know it has been turned upside down and you are headed into the unknown. Scary. Keep in mind, however, that divorce involves two people, not just one. As afraid as you may be, your ex may be feeling the same way. Know that you are both venturing into new terrain, and that you are likely not the only one who is nervous about the path ahead of you.

2. You are so much stronger than you think. It is in challenging times that people start to shine.

As a divorce attorney, I can't tell you the number of women who have sat in my office during their initial consultation and were an emotional mess. The thought of venturing out on their own was overwhelming and devastating. What is truly amazing and rewarding is to see the transformation of my clients over the course of the first year. Slowly, step by step, they are able to learn to live independently, to make their own decisions and to take on financial responsibility. What were once frightened and insecure women have evolved into strong and confident individuals. Time is an amazing enabler, even after a contested divorce.

3. It seems like divorce takes a long time, how can I make it through the process?

Whether you're proceeding with an uncontested divorce or a contested divorce, the process always seems to be never ending. People going through divorce cannot seem to get to the finish line fast enough. In my experience, that is often due to the fact that divorce is not something that people rush into. They take their time and reconsider their decision to divorce, sometimes for several months or even years. Once they are ready and make the decision to proceed, however, they typically cannot get divorced fast enough. Don't worry. As long as the process may seem as you are going through it, know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

4. So many past clients of mine have been in your situation. They have all made it through the process and so many are thriving.

The key to coming out on the other side of divorce as a strong and thriving person is to envision your life post-divorce in the way you choose to live it. Picture your home (apartment, single family home or condominium), your environment (what towns would you like to live in, city versus suburbs, ocean versus mountains), how you will spend your free time and who you will spend it with. Your decisions are yours to make, and that is liberating. The more clients mentally run through their "ideal" post-divorce life, the more real it becomes and the more likely they are to make decisions that will align themselves with their goals. Ultimately, clients can live the life they had dreamed of.

5. You have so much life ahead of you. Even if you are 50 or 60, you can reinvent yourself and find a good, happy, healthy life. I've seen so many people do it.

People tend to identify themselves as how they believe others see them. That is, their image of themselves is seen through the lens of others. This is very limiting. I challenge my clients to ask themselves "why not?" For example, if you are fortunate enough to work remotely, or are not otherwise bound by physical restrictions on where you can live, why not consider other areas of the state, country, or even other countries, in which you might like to live. If you always wanted to be a dancer, why not sign up for a dance class? You may not become a professional dancer, or even be a very good dancer, but you can still learn to dance. Whatever it is, think outside your comfort zone. Challenge yourself. Redefine who you are. No matter what age you are when you are going through the process, I promise you that there is a whole lot of life to live "on the other side." Just go for it!

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the legal aspects of your divorce, please know that you don't have to navigate this journey alone. As an experienced divorce attorney serving Dedham and the greater Boston area, I'm here to provide the legal guidance and support you need to move forward with confidence. Don't hesitate to reach out – together, we can work towards a brighter future for you. If you need help understanding the differences between a no-fault divorce / uncontested divorce, or traditional divorce in Massachusetts, I'm here to provide clarity and guide you through your options, ensuring you make the best informed decisions for your unique circumstances.

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